Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sleep Deprived Brain Lab

Tomorrow morning Calvin has a brain lab (EEG). He is supposed to be sleep deprived so our instructions are to keep him up 'til 11pm and then wake him at 3am for the day. We are going to let him sleep 'til 4 since he will still be plenty tired for his appointment at 10:15. Once he gets to the appointment they will hook him up to the electrodes and then put him in a dark room to sleep.  They want to watch him go to sleep and wake up out of sleep.

Dave and I are taking shifts. Dave will get up at 4am with him and then I will wake up at 6 so Dave can take a nap from 6-9am before we leave. I am interested to see how the day goes and will hopefully post again tomorrow night after it is over.

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