Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today we got a call from the neurologist with the EEG results. It looks like Calvin does not have the Benign Rolandic Epilepsy as we had previously thought and hoped.  He does have some kind of epilepsy however.  The EEG showed epileptic activity awake and asleep but the pattern and point of origin was different than what would be expected in Benign rolandic epilepsy.  With this news, the neurologist recommended we start Calvin on an anti-epileptic medication today and that we schedule an MRI to look for a possible physical cause for the seizures such as a tumor or other anatomical abnormality.   At this point I am still not too worried, as long as it doesn't develp into something more serious we are fine with this result. The medication recommended (oxcarbazepine) will not have too many side effects and it is possible it might even help us with other aspects of Calvin's life since it also known to be a mood stabilizer (yes please!).

MRI will most likely be in a week or two and then we will meet with the epileptic specialist on Aug 6th to hopefully find out exactly what type of epilepsy Calvin has and what to expect now and in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Hope things go well. Calvin is looking like a little man on the other blog, i still think he is 3!
