Saturday, September 20, 2014

How was the move for Calvin?

I've had several sweet emails or phone calls with people asking how Calvin is doing for the move.  First, thanks for asking. Second, thanks for acknowledging the fact that it is hard to move a child like Calvin!   So hard, in fact, I almost didn't move. But I'm glad I did.  Thanks to those who kicked me in the right direction.

Leading up to the move: surprisingly no complaints or very few. Calvin did mention one day, I think his last day of school, that his friend was so sad when he learned Calvin was moving that he had to put his head on the desk and take a time out. So cute, love how these sweet kids try to learn coping skills at school.

The move: Calvin did fine in the car. The car is actually a great place for him as long as the girls aren't bugging him. Calvin likes to sit around and play on his tablet so he is pretty content. The fact that we eat tons of fast food is also good for him.  He liked white sands. Took the elevator down to the caverns instead of hiking in.  He enjoyed swimming in the hotel pool. Overall, he did fine.

New home: Calvin did okay in our new house. The first couple of weeks were quite stressful for me going to meetings trying to get him registered for school, get a new dr and getting medications set up here.  The prescriptions I arrived with were not accepted here as an out of state prescription cannot be filled for certain medicines. So, we rushed to find a new dr. with an apt ...sat in the dr office with 4 kids for 3 hours....went to 5 pharmacies and called 10 more trying to get the prescription filled. I was ready to drive back to CA.  Then after a couple of days, Calvin dumped the entire bottle of dextroamphetiamine in water and ruined them.  It was a rough few days after that before we got new pills.

So far, Calvin has written 4 bad words on the walls. H x2, A, F.

New school: Calvin's new school is fine. He has been happy to go to school every day and is in a good mood when he gets home. I don't think they're pushing him very hard academically but I can see some wisdom in getting him comfortable and happy there being the #1 priority. 

New Bus: Not as smooth...we miss our sweet bus aide Jeanneane who we had for 2  years and who Calvin asked if she could move in with us! He is on the bus 1hr 45 min in the morning which is way too long so I don't really blame him for not loving it.  I fully expect this will be a struggle all year. It was at home for a long time too.

New karate: signed him up and he went once and said he was too sweaty. never back again.

New piano teacher: Clare is taking from a man this year and Calvin really liked him so he asked to take from the same teacher.  We'll see how that goes.

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