Friday, July 13, 2012


This week Calvin had his MRI. Things went very well. He had to be fasted and ready for general anesthesia, which is always kind of a pain for a kid who loves to eat!  He is old enough, however, to understand the importance of the dr's instructions and to go without even if it is uncomfortable. Also, we were lucky enough to get the 8:30am exam time so he only had to skip early morning breakfast.

Calvin did a good job at his appointment.  After the MRI while I was waiting with Calvin in post anesthesia recovery, Dave slipped into the OR to chit chat with the neurosurgeon operating (check the results of the MRI under someone else s log-in since he isn't technically allowed to check Calvin's chart).

The MRI looked fine, but there was a subtle finding in the temporal lobe. Dave said it could be dismissed as nothing by the neurologist or could possibly be the focus and what the neurologist will say is a possible cause for the epilepsy. Dave is not an epilepsy expert so he can't really know with certainty what exactly Calvin will be diagnosed with and though we know the EEG showed epileptic activity, we still don't know in more detail exactly what was seen in that test.

We don't see the epileptic specialist for another month so for now we are just waiting to have all of our questions answered in August. We feel grateful that we saw the seizures that we did and were able to get all of the testing done so quickly. We are hopeful that the medication Calvin is on will help control them for now.

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