Thursday, May 3, 2012

one step forward and two backwards

This has been a super tough week! I am not sure if Calvin is tired, stressed or what is going on but boy have we been struggling at home.

We have missed the morning bus 2 times this week. In years past I used to feel really guilty, dumb and wonder what the heck was wrong with me that I couldn't get my child dressed and to school like the rest of the kids there. Now I realize that it isn't always my fault. I definitely have to put on my best game to have things go smoothly, sometimes things still go south.

Yesterday I set my alarm, as always for 6:15. Made breakfast as scheduled but Calvin refused to eat, he wasn't ready when the bus came so we missed that at 7am. Then he cried and yelled and threw a fit becuase it was so sad to miss the bus and it was Mom's fault! I got the girls ready and we hit the road at 8:25 so that Clare could be dropped off and not have to be late to her school. We arrived at his school at 9:15 where he was still throwing a fit. His teachers weren't going to physically drag him in so we just waited. I finally hit the road again at 10:15 after Calvin turned himself around and went to school for the day. Jo took a 15 minute cat nap on the way home and so since she wasn't getting a good nap anyway we went to COSTCO on the way home.

This morning he threw an hour long fit and then turned himself around and got ready so I could take him to school. He did a good job getting himself ready and stayed in a good mood until we arrived at school where he was happy to start his day!! Who knows what makes the difference between a really good day, one like yesterday and one like today.

One of the things that had been helping our morning routine, most of the time, is to have a breakfast schedule. ONe of the major/common causes of morning breakdowns for Calvin is not having what he wants to eat for breakfat. So, I let him make a schedule for our breakfast menu. Tuesday- oatmeal. Wed- pancakes. Th- waffles Fri-eggs and toast. Sat- oven pancake. Sun-crepes. Monday - cereal or leftover crepes. For Calvin it really helps to know what to expect and it helps me too so that I can have breakfast going without having to talk to him about what he wants and wait for him to decide, argue or change his mind.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting breakfast comment. We have similar problems with Jansen and while reading this I realized we do puréed egg (hates egg texture so I hide it for protein) mixed in oatmeal EVERYDAY! Increased protein made a huge difference for Jansen who is a fruit/carb boy....
